神田秀樹編著『会社法コンメンタール15 持分会社[2]』(担当:第627条・635条・636条・670条[債権者の異議])
商事法務(2018年10月)Hisaei “Chuck” ITO
Reflections on Legal Approach to Management Theory
Rikkyo Business Review No. 10, pp 41- 58. (2017)Hisaei “Chuck” ITO
Re-examining the Theory of Negotiable Instruments – Perspective in Credit Theory of Money
Comparative Law Review Vol.52 No. 2 pp 179-210.(2018)Hisaei “Chuck” ITO
Features of Modern Business Transaction and Legal Approach to Them
Chuo Law Journal Vol. 15 No.1 pp 141- 155. (2018)Hisaei “Chuck” ITO
Reflections on Law of Payment
The Institute of Comparative Law in Japan ed., BEYOND GLOBALIZATION – FUTURE OF COMPARATIVE STUDY IN ASIA/PACIFIC, Chuo Uni. Pr., 2020, pp 51-74.Hisaei “Chuck” ITO
Outside Director’s Function of Monitoring and its Duty to Care of Stakeholders’ Interest
Taishi Sunada, at. al. eds. AGENDA FOR REFORM TO CORPORATE LAW, Horitu Bunka Sha, (forthcoming).Hisaei “Chuck” ITO
Dispute Resolution (Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation and Other ADR)