
Kiyotaka Matsui
Kiyotaka Matsui has significant experience with challenging business restructurings and reorganization. His experience includes numerous successful restructurings with the Industrial Revitalization Organization of Japan (IRCJ) as a senior manager. Some of Mr. Matsui’s work with the IRCJ includes the restructuring of the Tokyo Electric Power Company following the Fukushima reactor meltdown, assisting with the development of the restructuring plan to address a variety of claims seeking compensation for damages arising out of nuclear contamination. Mr. Matsui is passionate about his practice of assisting companies and businesspeople meet and overc0me challenges.
[ Bar Admissions ] Japan, 1994
[ Education ] Kobe University Faculty of Law (LL.B., 1992 ); Santa Clara University School of Law (LL.M., 2006)
[ Languages ] Japanese, English
Japanese Turnaround PracticeSHOJIHOMU, 2006 “Restructuring Plan Prior to Modification of Loan Terms” Banking Education Co. (2009), co-author
Japanese Who should be put on trialGendaijinbun Co. (2007), co-author
Japanese The Practice of What the Healthy Company Needs to Know About a “Good Bankruptcy”Hankyu Communications (2007), co-author
Japanese Introduction to Restructuring of ManufacturersKinzai Institute for Financial Affairs (2006), co-author
Japanese Compilation of Model Documentation for Management/Collection of ClaimsSHINNIPPON-HOKI (1996), co-author
Past Lectures and Seminars
“Supporting Business Succession of Companies in Excessive Debt” Business Succession Support Seminar, hosted by the Japan Finance Corporation West Japan Corporate Support OfficeJanuary, 2019 Kiyotaka Matsui